Something that surprised me from my book

All American Boys

By: Jason Reynolds & Brendan Kiely

Kahlan Heuff


Something from my book that surprised me is how Paul can be the meanest and scariest person ever while arresting Rashad, probably while arresting others too, and then switch to be the nicest and good guy around friends and family. It tells us in the book how rude, violent, and disgusting he is to Rashad during the arrest. That leaves me wondering how he treats real criminals and if it would’ve been a different situation if Rashad was white. I was also surprised that Paul went to the party and acted completely normal since he was all over the news as well as the internet. It makes sense that no one dared to talk to him or ask about the video as he probably isn’t allowed to talk about it, it would most likely make things awkward and most people at that party are on his side. Paul does seem like a nice guy outside of work, I like that Paul, but work Paul? He’s not my favourite.

My favourite winter day

One of my favourite winter days was earlier this year I can’t remember when but all I know is that it was my favourite day of the season. I went to my cousin Brayson’s house he lives in the country and his backyard is basically the nation river. So, when the river frozen my uncle made a full-size skating rink for hockey/skating. He also has a pond which his dad made, and it froze too so we had two places so skate. Since there was so much space Brayson and his younger brother Emmett invited some of their team mates over to play. They also invited me and my family.  It was the best day ever we skated, went sledding, had a snowball fight and played tag and other games. We also had a bonfire which was huge. We went over around 1 in the afternoon and didn’t leave until about 11pm. It was one of the best winter days I had, and I won’t forget it.

Why I’m team orange juice for life

I hate apple juice. It’s the worst drink I’ve ever put in my mouth. Orange juice is wayyyyyyyyyy better, but nothing can beat strawberry Fruitopia from McDonald’s. Apple juice has way too much sugar for me it’s wayyyyyy too sweet and it looks like pee. Like who wants to drink pee wouldn’t you rather drink something orange and not think about how what you’re drinking looks like pee. Because I do. If there was only one drink left in the world and it’s apple juice, consider me dead because I won’t be drinking it. That’s right I’d rather DIE than drink apple juice. If orange juice has 10 000 fans, I’m one of them. If orange juice has 1 000 fans, I’m one of them. If orange juice has 100 fans, I’m one of them. If orange juice has 10 fans, I’m one of them. If orange juice has 1 fan, I am that fan. If orange juice has no fans, then I’m dead. I live for orange juice and orange juice is life.

Learning Disabilities




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“There’s something wrong with me, I’ve realized over time that I see things differently than others. Specifically, at school, every time I try to read or write, it is very difficult. The teachers say that I might have a learning disability of some sort.” Lots of people all over the world suffer from something called a learning disability, and they don’t even know it!



There are people that don’t know what a learning disability is or that there are different types. Learning disabilities are neurological disorders stemming from a person’s brain, being weird differently than others. That means one or more of the psychological processes involved with comprehending or using language is not working normally. About all children with learning disabilities have trouble with not only the basic skills of reading and writing, but also with reasoning and organizing information in meaningful ways. The term ‘learning disability’ covers all different things for example: perceptual disorders, development aphasia (inability to produce or understand language), dyslexia and brain injuries. There are many different types of disabilities out there as you can see.



Dyslexia is the most common learning disorder in the world. When someone who suffers from dyslexia is reading, the letters in the words get mixed up or even left out, which makes it very hard to almost impossible for them to read. Therefore, makes it very difficult for them in school or anywhere. Because of this, dyslexic children during school often feel left out or less capable than others so, dyslexic children usually struggle to keep up with their classmates. That can also affect their focus to learn. Reading disabilities are very similar to dyslexia in lots of different ways.



Reading disabilities are a very common type of learning disability. Children with this disorder have difficulty with several things like recognizing letters words and remembering what they mean, along with the sounds and letter groups that make up words. Other kinds of reading disabilities are related to eyesight such as farsightedness, hear sightedness, astigmatism, the tendency for the eyes to cross or unequal images in each eye. These vision problems can be diagnosed and corrected by an ophalmologist or another trained eye specialist. Hearing disorders can also affect the ability to read because words cannot be sounded out correctly. Fun fact if you have a reading disability you may have another disability!


Another kind of disability is a writing disability (my favourite one). Children with this disorder have problems with the basic skills of spelling, punctuation, and grammar, that is why they usually have another kind of disorder. For example, a reading or mathematics disability. There are three main types of writing disabilities: the inability to form letters and numbers correctly (dysgraphia), to write words spontaneously or from dictation, to organize words into meaningful thoughts. Since there are all those different types of writing disabilities there are different causes for all of them. For example, people with dysgraphia may have delays in hand-eye coordination and difficulties concentrating. People who are unable to write words from memory or dictation appear to have defects in their visual memory (they cannot remember what words look like). People who produce legible scrip cannot organize their own thoughts on paper and may have cognitive processing problems. Because this disorder is very little studied specific causes have not yet been determined. Also, there are not really any tests for diagnosis or treatment sadly. But fortunately, there are known diagnosis and causes for other disorders.



Parents are usually the first to notice a disability in their child. It’s also very normal for parents to is or overlook their child’s symptoms, so sometimes school staff notices it first, because they are more educated. When someone is suspected of a disability their next step should be to get tested. You can see specialists such as: psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and social workers, to determine if the child does in fact have a learning disability. The causes of a learning disability are cooler than the diagnosis in my opinion.



There are three main causes of a learning disability. The brain is divided into different sections that control different behaviors for example: the ability to speak, the ability to understand the spoken word, the ability to recognize what words and numbers mean. For people with a learning disability, one or more of these sections may not function normally. Another cause is inheriting a learning disability, children’s families with a history of disorders are more likely to develop one. It can also be caused by medical conditions for example: a blow to the head or brain infection can damage certain parts of the brain leading to a learning disorder.



There are many more disabilities in the world and no matter which one you have there is nothing wrong with that. Someone without a disability could have the worst marks in the room and someone with a disability could have the best marks in the room, there is nothing wrong with anyone that has a disability. And hopefully one day people will be more educated one learning disabilities so then nobody will ever have to struggle with finding answers.





  1. “Reading.” Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 Feb. 2020. Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.
  2. “Learning Disorders.” Sick!, UXL, 2007. Gale In Context: Middle School, Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.
  3. “Speech.” Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 12 Aug. 2016. Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.